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3D Printed Food & Organs… What’s next?

Constantly evolving 3D printing technology has a lot more to offer than what we think. Being so flexible and customizable, doors for 3D printing have been opened in many industries giving solutions for ample problems. This technology continues to grow and is far to hit its potential. In this article, we are going to discuss the innovations in 3D printing technology which are currently under process and in coming years should be in the records of great achievements.

1. 3D Printed food:

Would it not be great to know with 3D printing technology we can get food with essential nutrients and without anything which is not good for our body? Yes with 3D printing technology we are heading towards this great innovation. 3D food printing has almost same working order as normal 3D printing. Food is extruded and deposited layer onto layer. Edible material is inserted with a syringe like container. With this technology calories and nutrients are measured while food gets ready. We can use different food materials and synthetic meats to create a variety of 3D printed food.

2. 3D printed Organs:

This is one of the best examples of 3D printing innovations. Currently being worked on and if succeeded this will revolutionize the world of biology. With 3D printed vital organs like heart, kidney and liver idea is to put the right kind of cell at the right place and which can then merge and function with other cells on its own. 3D printing intends to create a 3D printed custom tailored complex organs from the cells of own body so that organ is not rejected by other cells. Animal testing is being successfully carried out with transplantation of organs like ear, bone and skin. Transplanting vital 3D printed organ is yet to be tested.

3. 3D printed redefine Air travel:

This is a concept plane being worked on by Airbus and Autodesk. This concept plane is being said to redefine air travel and make jetliners more comfortable and efficient. This 3D printed plane would have a panoramic view to give a real feel of flying to its travelers and would be eco-friendly. According to an estimate by Airbus, this 3D printed plane will be much lighter and could save up to 465,000 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

These were some of the major breakthrough inventions in 3D printing technology. Many other industries are opening up to the applications of 3D printing in their fields and it won’t be far when our bricks and houses would be designed and constructed in 3D printing.

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