Technology has pretty much given wings to our imaginations, what now we could imagine could be created in a tangible object with the globally gaining fame 3D printing technology. Although one may imagine 3D printing as some sort of similar to paper printing but it’s much more than that, much more advanced and creative. Process starts with a Designer creating a 3D digital file using a software, 3D printer materializes the digital file and gives you a real tangible product made of plastic (photo sensitive resin) or metal. Metal could range from stainless steel and bronze to precious metals like gold and platinum.
Many 3D printing technologies are being used, to name a few FDM (fused deposition modeling), SLA (stereolithography), DLP (digital light processing), SLS (selective laser sintering), SLM (selective laser melting), EBM (electron beam melting). The best and one of the oldest technologies among these is SLA. Its vastly used rapid prototyping for Plastic models.
Stereolithography Technology benefits that you get:
3D printing is being implemented in almost everything be it simple household stuff like shopping bag handles, mobile phone holder or some missing part of a furniture to much more advanced industries taking benefits from advancements in 3D printing. Designing jewellery with modern designs, in lesser time and cost effective method is again one of a blessings of 3D printing technology. When talking about medical field most of the hearing aids, dental implants and knee and hip replacements are being produced using 3D printing. Businesses use 3D printing to create a prototype of their product before launching it in the market, with this advanced technology they are able to modify and market it way before it’s in full production mode. Some parts of airplanes now are created using this technology. It won’t be much to say that 3D printing has changed the way we look at our daily lives. It’s much easier with 3D printing now.