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3D Printing – The Next Generation of 2D Printing, OR NOT!

3D printing may sound like the future of 2D printing and also considering the fact that these technologies possess homogeneous names, in reality, the two technologies are totally diverse.


The word “printer” is broadly associated with the machine that uses ink or laser to print content on paper. Nevertheless, not many technology enthusiasts understand why 3D printers stand better off when it comes to transforming the ways humans change digital content to tangible products than 2D printers.

Today, printers are as ubiquitous as information and while, 3D printing may be perceived as 2D printing with additional dimension, the evolution and technological lifecycle of the two is entirely different .

3D printing goes beyond the concepts of scanning, copying and paper printing. Additive manufacturing (actual technical term for 3D printing) indeed is the technology of the future and sits well among the advanced concepts of reverse engineering , product innovation and prototyping.


The comparison between the two technologies, in a way, is not even justified because technically speaking, 3D printing is a microscale manufacturing. A 3D printer produces a part layer by layer from plastic, resin or powder material, It’s actually additive manufacturing and by no means “printing”.

Many of 2D companies are considering transition from 2D to 3D printing and many have already invested and branched out to 3D printing.

ABC Imaging, an American Blueprinting company offering 2D printing services, with more than 30 locations and 500 employees, started offering 3D printing service to its clients in 2018. Phil Magenheim, VP, 3D services, ABC Imaging comments “3D printing is much different. “It is not a volume-based offering-but custom models or prototypes helping clients to communicate their ideas and concepts.” ABC Imaging faces difficulties with 3D printing technology regarding selection of materials, equipment operations and from engineering aspect. “Employee selection and training creates a challenge as well,” adds Magenheim.

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